Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Night Moves.


J.M. Ferretti said...

Lovely shot, as always. I don't know what you do for a living, but you sure do take excellent pics. Do you get assigned taking pictures of your friends' weddings and such? Have you always been interested in photography?

I'm curious about your opinion on something. In college, I used to argue with my boyfriend about if photography should be considered an art form. What do you think?

The Inner Eyeball said...

Thank you, as always, you're very kind. No. I just do it for fun. I took photography back in high school, but it was too expensive to pursue at the time. I majored in 3-d art with an emphasis in clay instead. I can sculpt and throw a pot, too!

Of course photography can be an art form! Hadn't he ever heard of Ansel Adams or Imogene Cunningham? What did he think film was? Just moving stills.

J.M. Ferretti said...

My point exactly! Did he think that Ansel just pointed his camera and clicked? But, he said with film, because of all of the elements - sound, actors, script - the whole was an artform. Who knows? I'm sure I had all sorts of pretentious ideas back in college, too.

I love the rusty curlicue!!!

The Inner Eyeball said...

He, obviously, was an idiot.

I guess that's what makes film such a great artform--it's the collaberation of many artists hopefully putting together something that speaks as one work.